Management of the child with a serious infection or severe malnutrition : guidelines for care at the first-referral level in developing countries. Integrated management of childhood illness (IMCI) - Geneva Dept. of Child and Adolescent Health and Development, World Health Organization : UNICEF c2000 - xiii, 162 p. ; 30 cm.


Includes bibliographical references (p. 123) and index.

Emergency triage assessment and treatment -- Assessment and diagnosis -- Cough or difficult breathing -- Diarrhoea -- Fever -- Young infants -- Severe malnutrition -- Children with HIV/AIDS -- Supportive care -- Monitoring the child's progress -- Counselling and discharge from hospital -- [Appendices:] -- Practical procedures -- Drug dosages/regimens -- Formulas and recipes for severely malnourished children -- Assessing nutritional status and recovery -- Toys and play therapy.



Pediatric intensive care.
Critical Care--methods--Child.
Critical Care--methods--Infant.
Child Nutrition Disorders--therapy.
Communicable Diseases--therapy--Child.
Communicable Diseases--therapy--Infant.
Developing Countries.
Emergency Medical Services--methods--Child.
Emergency Medical Services--methods--Infant.


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