Laxmi Shrestha Thakur

Tracking of post basic nursing graduates of Nepal Institute of Health Sciences - University Grants Commission 2013 - ix, 84p. :


Abstract: The study traces out the placement of the post basic nursing graduates of the Nepal Institute of Health sciences, from 2002 to 2008. The aim of the tracer study was to determine, the relevance in terms of, utilization status of curriculum of the Purbanchal University, prescribed for, in the post basic nursing graduates. The sectoral objectives of this study were to determine the level and extent of employability, demand basedutilization, and the changing congruency between demand and supply. A total of 100 respondents, out of 265, were selected based on their placement within and outside Kathmandu as well as out of Nepal. Proportionate stratified random sampling was used to collect information through telephone, email and direct contact. Data was analyzed using SPSS program. An overwhelming (98%) number of respondents reported that they were able to perform their duties in a satisfactory way though some orientations were required. Majority of the respondents reported that the theory and clinical portion of the curriculum was relevant to meet the market demand. The major recommendations include: 1.periodic review of the market demand and subsequent modification in the curriculum. 2. institutional policy for more inclusive nursing population. 3. increasing focus on midwifery and community health nursing. 4. timely carrier development incentives and 5. expansion of master degree programme with specialization to meet the growing market demands.

Research in nursing
Tracking study- nursing
Nursing curriculum
