Giri, Samita.

Biomakers of disease progression in HIV/AIDS patients on anti-retroviral therapy visiting national public health laboratory, Teku, Kathmandu. - c2015. - xvi, 52p.

Thesis Report.

ABSTRACT: The progression of HIV infection can be assessed by determining the different biomarkers. The objective of this cross-sectional study is to determine the concentration of different biomarkers like CD4 count, viral load, White Blood Cell, Total Lymphocyte Count, Absolute Eosinophilic Count, Hemoglobin, Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate, High Density Lipoprotein cholesterol and C reactive protein in both Anti-retroviral Therapy patients and Anti-retroviral Therapy naïve patients. This study was carried out in National Public Health Laboratory, Teku, Kathmandu from April to October 2014. A total of 100 patients were taken in this study among which 80 were on Anti-retroviral Therapy and 20 were Anti retroviral Therapy naïve patients. Immunological analysis was done by using BD FACSCALIBER machine, hematological analysis was done using HUMACOUNT 5L whereas biochemical analysis was done using Cholesterol liquicolor test kit. C - reactive protein test was done using C - reactive protein test kit and Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate was done using Wintrobe tube method. This study showed that higher percentage of patients had normal hemoglobin, White Blood Cell and C - reactive protein in both Anti-retroviral Therapy users and in Anti-retroviral Therapy naïve whereas all other markers were found to be abnormal in higher percentage of patients. Among all markers only hemoglobin showed significant positive correlation with CD4 count. Out of 33 patients whose viral load was determined, only five patients were found to have viral load in detectable level. High Density Lipoprotein cholesterol was found abnormal in high number of patients in both Anti-retroviral Therapy users and Anti-retroviral Therapy naïve patients i.e. 61.25% and 95% respectively which indicates these patients are in high risk of cardiovascular disease in comparison to patients which have normal High Density Lipoprotein cholesterol level. Only 30% patients had C - reactive protein in detectable level. Key Words: Human Immunodeficiency Virus /Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, Biomarkers

Human Immunodeficiency Virus.
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.
