Roy, Sanju.

Risk perception of coronary heart disease among high-risk individuals attending national heart centre, Nepal.. - c2013. - x,49p.

Thesis Report.

Background: Coronary heart disease(CHD) is now the leading cause of death worldwide; It is on the rise and has become a true pandemic that respects no borders. Understanding the level of risk factors Knowledge and risk perception can inform the development of innovative interventions to reduce risk.The purpose of this study was to describe CHD risk factor knowledge and risk perception in high risk individuals. Specific aims included measuring the level of risk factors knowledge of CHD, determining the risk perception of CHD and measuring the association between socio-demographic variables and CHD knowledge and risk perceptions.

Methods: A hospital-based sectional study was done at Sahid Gangalal hospital. A convenience sample of 150 was taken from OPD section of the hospital. Data were collected using HDFQ and PRHDS scale by direct interview method.

Results: Mean age of respondents was 50.75 (SD9.6); 55.3 %were male;44.7% female. The scores on the Heart Disease fact questionnaire was 12.98(SD=4.4)indicate a low level of knowledge and score on perception was 39.53 (SD=2.1) indicate low perception of CHD among respondents. While analysing the relationship of socio-demographic and soci-economic variable with knowledge and risk perception. It was found that gender, ethnicity, education and occupation best predict CHD knowledge and ethnicity, education and occupation best predict CHD knowledge and ethnicity and education predict CHD risk perception.

Conclusion: Both risk factor knowledge and risk perception was found to be low. research to improve risk perception and to develop innovative interventions that increase their knowledge is needed for this population.

Risk perception.
Coronary heart disease.
National heart centre.
