
Prenatal anxiety among pregnant women visiting in antenatal care outpatient department at Paropakar maternity and women's hospital . - c2018. - 59p.

Thesis Report.


Introduction: Prenatal anxiety is a normal and natural experience. It can affect a person's feelings, thoughts, behavior, and physical well-being. (Wilkins, 2012) The majority of maternal deaths are due to haemorrhage, infection, unsafe abortion, and eclampsia which is due to knowledge deficit and anxiety.

Objectives: To assess the level of anxiety among pregnant women visiting in ANC OPD at Paropakar Maternity and Women's Hospital and to determine association between age, gravida and the anxiety among pregnant women.

Methodology: A Cross-sectional study was conducted at Paropakar Maternity and Women's Hospital, Thapathali Kathmandu. A total number of 337 pregnant women were taken as sample for research. The sample was selected using purposive sampling technique. Perinatal Anxiety Screening Scale was used for data collection. The researcher herself had taken the interview with the patients. The obtained data was analyzed by using SPSS version 16.

Findings: The finding revealed that less than fifty (46.3%) of respondents were aged between 20-24 years, around fifty (48.7%) of respondents were aged between 25-29 years. Most of the respondents were Hindu. Most of the respondents were Chhetri. Most of the respondents were literate. Most of the respondents were involve in agriculture and had an income of more than Rs.10,000/-. More than fifty of the respondents (60.53%) were primigravida. Almost all of the respondents (96.1%) did not have complications during last pregnancy. The study shows out of 337 respondents, less than fifty (40.9%) of respondents had minimal anxiety. Less than fifty (42.1%) had mild to moderate level anxiety and least of the respondents (16.9%) had severe anxiety. The study showed that there is no any association between anxiety and age of the respondents. The study showed that there is association between anxiety and gravida of the respondents.

Conclusion: The findings of the study revealed that, among 337 respondents, Among them one hundred thirty eight of respondents had minimal anxiety, one hundred forty two had mild to moderate level anxiety and fifty seven had severe anxiety.

Prenatal anxiety.
Pregnant women.
Antenatal care.
Paropakar maternity and women's hospital .
