Tamrakar, Kishor Kumar.

Outcome of recostructive surgery of post burn contracture. - c2001. - 48p.

Thesis Report.

ABSTRACT: A total of 30 patients (18 male and female ), age ranging from 13 months to 36 years with post burn contracture of different joints underwent reconstructive surgery. Forty-nine contracted joints (finger, elbow, axilla, knee, ankle) were reconstructed by Z-plasty, Full thickness skin graft, flap and split skin graft. In mean follow up period of 4.5 months, it is found that 9 joints improved its motion by more than 90 percent,19 joints by 81 to 90 percent, 15 joints by 71 to 80 percent 3 joints by 61to70 percent, 2 joints by 51 to 60 percent and I joint less than 50 percent. Post-operative complication rate was 28 percent. Commonest complication is wound gaping, followed by partial loss of split skin graft, partial necrosis of tip of Z-plasty and edema of flap. Almost similar result is found with reconstructive surgery on different degrees of joint contracture. So, reconstructive surgery is recommended to all cases irrespective of the degree of post burn contracture.


Reconstructive surgery.
Post burn contracture.
