Sharnngadharan, Ganesh Kumar.

Population research centre university of groningen Mortality at younger ages in India: Estimation of inconsistencies between infant mortality rates and the corresponding under five death rates from the SRS. - c2001. - 87p.

Thesis Report.

ABSTRACT: This study discusses the quality of mortality data pertaining to below age five years based on the Sample Registration System (SRS) in India. In several instances it was identified that the reported under-five death rates (UFDR) were unable to accommodate the given infant mortality rates (IMR) in India. This study proposes a procedure to estimate a plausible value of the under-five death rates for a given infant mortality rate. For this, we use the mortality data from the NFHS 1992-93. Two mortality models, Weibull distribution and Heligman and Pollard model, were used to evaluate the quality of the mortality data from NFHS. Key words: India, Mortality, Infant mortality rate, Under-five death rate, Sample Registration System, NFHS, Mortality models, Weibull distribution, Heligman and Pollard model


Infant mortality rate.
Under-five death rate.
Sample Registration System, NFHS.
Mortality models.
Weibull distribution.
Heligman and Pollard model.
