Sah, Sujit Kumar.

A study on patterns of tobacco use among school teachers in Mahottary district of Nepal. - c2007. - 92p. :

Thesis Report.

ABSTRACT: Tobacco -habit is an enormous evil and on account of its waste of money, Positive injuries to health and pernicious example to the school teachers. Tobacco has been proven to be the weapon of mass destruction for the developing world. Tobacco use increases the risk of development of a number of diseases. Even if current tobacco use stopped, the residual burden of disease among past users would cause disease for decades in the future. The aims of this study was to find out the patterns of tobacco use, awareness regarding effects of tobacco use and influencing factors among primary, Lower secondary and secondary school teachers in Mahottary district of Nepal. A cross -sectional study was conducted using proportionate random sample among 210 teachers aged 22 to 59 years old from 85 schools. Results: overall, prevalence of any forms of tobacco use among school teachers was 57.1%. Only male teachers (64.9%) used tobacco. According to level wise, primary (66.1%), Lower secondary (63.9%) and secondary level (61.8%) teachers were users of tobacco. Tobacco use was more prevalent in primary school teachers. Khaini (68.3%) and pan (60.8%) were mainly used by the teachers. 61.4% of the teachers were daily users of smoking. 60.8% of the teachers used tobacco inside school premises. Most of the users initiated tobacco by 16-20 years of age. A substantial number of teachers initiated tobacco usage due to imitation and peer pressure. Teachers had good knowledge about harmful effects of tobacco usage such as, oral cancer; lung cancer, liver cancer, heart attack, headache, TB and loss of weight. Majority of the teachers recorded tobacco usage in school should be band. Most of the teachers were using tobacco due to un satisfaction from profession, family problem, entertainment, as a part of culture, as it is easily accessible and available, etc 71.6% had tried to stop using tobacco but they were not success to quit it. School need to develop 'code of conduct' regarding the prohibition of tobacco use in the school premises. Government should provide training and others incentives to all teachers, especially primary teachers. More female teachers should be recruited as a role model.


School teachers.
Mahottary district.
