Bhusal, Chetkant.

Involvement of male in birth preparedness in Tulsipur Municipality of Dang district. - c2011. - viii, 50p. ;

Thesis Report.

ABSTRACT: This study was concerned with the topic ''Involvement of Male in Birth Preparedness in Tulsipur Municipality of Dang district.'' Main objective of this study was to assess the involvement of male in birth preparedness in Tulsipur Municipality of Dang District. Descriptive and cross-sectional research design was adopted for the study. In this study 125 respondents including husbands of pregnant women and fathers of under one children of 8, 9 and 10 wards of Tulsipur Municipality of Dang District were selected by purposive sampling method. Validity and Reliability was maintained by taking suggestion from expert and concerned teacher. Face to face interview was conducted to collect the data. Data collection tools were self administered questionnaire and technique was interview methods with semi structured questionnaire. An analysis reveals that more than half 52.8% of the respondents heard about Birth Preparedness. Majority 67.2% of the Husbands have knowledge about danger signs of pregnancy and childbirth. Nearly half 45.6% of the respondents plan for preparedness of birth but most 56.8% of the respondent have preplan of what to do only when emergency arises during pregnancy and childbirth. Most 92.8% of the Respondent have plan for visiting their wives to SBA and transportation facility during complication. About one third 36.8% of the husbands identify blood donors during the emergency of their wives. Majority 84% of the Husbands already manage money for the complication during their wives' pregnancy and childbirth. About half 48% of the husbands are aware about accompanying their wife for ANC. Most 88% of the husbands help their wives in household activities during pregnancy and childbirth. About half 50.4% of husbands take decision by themselves in their household activities. Conclusion: It shows that Involvement of male in Birth preparedness is satisfactory. Even though they don't know reason for planning of Birth preparedness, sign and symptoms of complication of pregnancy and child birth they think it is necessary to plan for Birth Preparedness. Therefore effective education should be provided to the husbands with the rational to improve the maternal and child health.

Involvement of male.
Birth preparedness.
Tulsipur Municipality.
Dang district.
