Study on vector borne diseases and climate change along an altitudinal transect in Nepal
District health systems assessment with in intersectoral context.
Situation analysis of ambient air pollution and respiratory health effects in Kathmandu valley 2015.
Measles outbreak in Kapilvastu, Nepal: an outbreak investigation 2016.
Anemia and its determinants among women of reproductive age in mid-western Terai of Nepal 2015.
Blood lead level among children aged 06-36 month in Kathmandu valley, Nepal 2015.
Traslation of health research evidence into policy and planning in Nepal: an appraisal 2016.
Evaluation of community-based mental health programme in selected districts of Nepal 2015.
Health effects of pesticide among vegetable farmers and the adaptation level of integrated pest management program in Nepal, 2013.
Knowledge diversity and healing practices of traditional medicine in Nepal.
Adolescent nutrition survey in Nepal, 2014.
Descriptive epidemiology of scrub typhus in Nepal, 2017.
Assessment of asparagus powder distribution program on breastfeeding promotion: perspectives from mothers and health service providers, 2017.
Community based intervention for prevention and control on non communicable disease risk factors (CIPCON) / baseline report, 2015.
Quality of drugs and drug use patterns at different level of health care settings in Nepal, 2016.
Review of effectiveness of the foreign medical team employment in Nepal Earthquake, 2015.
Global school based student health survey Nepal, 2015.