Traditional Nepali baby care practice among selected ethnic groups.
Factors affecting service satisfaction of tuberculosis patients at the national tuberculosis centre, Thimi, Nepal.
General health and livelihood status of emancipated (mukta) kamlahris of Nepal.
Assessment of iodine status and thyroid function in pregnant women and weaning infants of eastern Nepal.
Barries to intimate relationships amongst young men with physical disability in Nepal.
Health related quality of life, anxiety and depression of cervical cancer patients in Nepal.
Conflict and health: an explorative study during conflict and post conflict period in Rolpa district, Nepal.
A study on factors associated with comprehensive abortion care & post abortion care services in the reproductive age group women in Lumbini zone of Nepal.
Effects of climate and non-climate factors on the spatiotemporal distributions of vector-borne disease in Nepal.
Assessing the biomedical waste management practice among the health care institution of Nepal
Situation analysis and documentation of traditional healing practices and resoruces in Chitwan.
Research report on NCD risk factors surveillance in Nepal 2003.
Nationwide coverage and functionality status of water supply and sanitation in Nepal
Report on maternal nutrition practices in rural Nepal
Knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) on tuberculosis (TB) and co-infection of TB and HIV in Nepal
Menopausal health status of women of Kapilvastu district: assessment of menopausal symptoms using menopause rating scale
Situation analysis of child labor in Nepal
Profile on implementation of WHO framework convention on tobacco control in the South-East Asia region.
Population monograph of Nepal
Population monograph of Nepal
Nutrition training an intervention to increase the knowledge and practice of female community health volunteer regarding the prevention of iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy in Nawalprasi district Nepal.
Assessment of knowledge, attitude and behaviour concerning STD/HIV in selected populations.
Knowledge and practice of abortion among the visitors in Marie Stopes Centre at Kathmandu.
Knowledge and practice of planned pregnancy among married women.
Knowledge and attitude towards mental illness among the nurses of BPKIHS.
A study into the awareness of Hepatitis C in relation to self protection among the international South Asian students at Uiversity of Bedfordshire in the UK
Knowledge and practice regarding exclusive breastfeeding among mothers of Baluwa Vdc, Kathmandu.
Alliance model for increasing access to sanitation and improving hygienic practices in rural community of Dhading Distict, Nepal.
Knowledge regarding obstetric danger signs among antenatal mothers attending a tertiary level hospital in Nepal.
Knowledge regarding unsafe abortion among adolescents ' students of selected school of Kathmandu and Lalitpur district of Nepal.
Knowledge, attitude and preventive practices of type 2 diabetes in people of Parbat district.
Knowledge, practice and factors influencing intake of junk food among the students of HAMS nursing college.
Exploring the level of knowledge, attitude and practice of emergency contraceptive among college students of Banepa Municipality of Kavre District.
Knowledge of occupational health problems and practice of safety measures among traffic police of Kathmandu metropolitan.
Knowledge regarding suicide among parents having adolescents in a community of Kathmandu district.
Prevalence of unintentional childhood injuries and its impacts in urban and rural areas of Kavrepalanchok district - A comparative study.
Knowledge of healthcare workers in early recognition, diagnosis and management of Rheumatic Fever and Rheumatic Heart Disease in primary healthcare settings of Far-western Nepal: Measuring the impact of educational interventions.
A cross-sectional study of knowledge, attitude and practice towards COVID-19 among pregnant women in a tertiary hospital in Pokhara, Nepal.
Knowledge and practice of diabetic foot care among nursing staff at Grande International Hospital.
Knowledge and perception of covid-19 among health workers in Nepal.
Systems thinking for health systems strengthening
Systems thinking for health systems strengthening
Health laboratory services in support of primary health care in South - East Asia
Tuberculosis prevalence surveys: a handbook
World health statistics 2011
Bugs, drugs & smoke: stories from public health
Evaluation of certain food additives and contaminants
A prioritized research agenda for prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases
Working to overcome the global impact of neglected tropical diseases: first WHO report on neglected tropical diseases
Mental health atlas 2011
Monitoring equity in access to aids treatment programmes: a review of concepts, models, methods and indicators
Global strategy to reduce the harmful use of alcohol
Valuing water, valuing livelihoods: Guidance on social cost-benefit analysis of drinking water interventions, with special reference to small community water supplies
Psychological first aid: Guide for field workers
WHO expert committee on specifications for pharmaceutical preparations
World malaria report 2011
Ensuring balance in national policies on control substances: Guidelines for availability and accessibility of controlled medicines
Guidelines for drinking-water quality
Manual for the laboratory diagnosis and virological surveillance of influenza
Global status report on non communicable disease 2010
Assessing the biomedical waste management practice among the health care institution of Nepal
Situation analysis and documentation of traditional healing practices and resoruces in Chitwan.
Research report on NCD risk factors surveillance in Nepal 2003.
Report on maternal nutrition practices in rural Nepal
Menopausal health status of women of Kapilvastu district: assessment of menopausal symptoms using menopause rating scale
Outbreak investigation report of influenza like illness (ILI) in Jajarkot district in 2015
Non communicable diseases risk factors: STEPS survey Nepal 2013. STEPS survey Nepal 2013.
Final Report on Consensus Building on Applicability of an Appropriate Waste Disposal System within Health Care Institutions of Pokhara Sub-metropolitan City
Free oral health camp oral health survey with awareness activities at Kuwakot VDC of Syanja district
Research on Adolescent Reproductive Health in Six High Schools in Kailali
Follow-up Study on Adoption of National Health Care Waste Management Guidelines at Health Care Institution at Kathmandu
Study on pricing method and price of top selling eight medicines from Nepalese manufacturers
Operationalization of environmental health ipmact assessment (EHIA) guidelines thorugh the formation of a national streeeing committee (NSC)
Final Report on Development of Profile of Toxic Waste Products in Nepal
A Report on Detection and Management of Arsenicosis in the Selected Local Communities of Terai Regions of Nepal
Impact Assessment of the Training Conducted in the past of Health Care Waste Management
Suitable options for treatment and disposal of hazardous
Research on Substance Abuse (Alcohol, Tobacco, Drugs) Use In Adolescent Population in Dhanghadi Municipality
Capacity building through National Training and workshops to promote the implementation of Environmental Health Impact Assessment Guidlines
A study on safe motherhood: causes behind uterus prolapse amongst women in 3 VDCs Dadeldhura district
Fetal outcome of premature rupture of membranes.
Assessment of knowledge, attitude and behaviour concerning STD/HIV in selected populations.
Evaluation of the FP/MCH project's panchayat based health workers
Data on national health services research projects and activities in Nepal (until the end of 1982)
Operational research related to control of diarrhoeal diseases Pokhara, Kaski, Nepal
Baseline epidemiological study on snakebite treatment and management
Population education for farmer through department of agriculture/MOA and small farmers development programme/ ADB (N)
Dhankuta district community health survey 1984
Evaluation report on family health project
A brief report on the cholera out break
Biostatistics for medical sciences
Statistics at square one
Health, medicine and society
Dissemination and implementation research in health : translating science to practice /
Public mental health /
The development of modern epidemiology : personal reports from those who were there /
Essentials of environmental health /
Nutritional epidemiology /
Knowledge and practice of abortion among the visitors in Marie Stopes Centre at Kathmandu.
A study on prevalence and factors associated to domestic violence by husband against married women of reproductive age (15-49) years of ward no 34 in Kathmandu Metropolitan City.
Ascertain information on vaginal discharge among Nepalese women.
Pregnancy outcome in maternal age 35 years and above.
A study on socio-cultural aspects of self medication and its impact on essential drug scheme at the local level
Trends in nutritional status in Nepal since 1975
Nutrition training an intervention to increase the knowledge and practice of female community health volunteer regarding the prevention of iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy in Nawalprasi district Nepal.
Relationship between otitis media with effusion and adenoid enlargement.
Intrapleural bupivacaine for postoperative analgesia after cholecystectomy.
Diagnostic methods in gestational trophoblastic diseases.
Prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection in primary school children of Dharan and their knowledge, attitude and practice about parasite
Tobotympanic chronic suppurative ottis media: Bacteriology and drug sensitivity.
Oral ketamine premedication for anaesthesia in children.
Study of clinical and Biochemical profiles and closed needle pleural biopsy findings in patients with exudative pleural effusion.
Study report on prevention of maternal mortality
Comparison between itrauterine aspiration cytology and endometrial biopsy.
Autonomic nervous system dysfunction in chronic uraemics on haemodialysis.
Sensorineural hearing loss in chronic suppurativve otitis media.
Secondary bacterial peritonitis in patan hospital.
Evaluation of total leucocyte count, neutrophil diffrential count C-reactive Protein in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis.
Types extent of pathology and ossicular status in atticoantral disease undergoing mastoid exploration at TUTH.
A case study on gastroenteritis epidemic in the Mid-Western region of Nepal (Rukum & Dang)