1The Organizing Committee for the Sixth National Summit of Health and Population Scientists in Nepalhttps://nhrc.gov.np/call-for-abstract-3/
2population 3 City to City COVID 19 vaccination learning exchange COVLEx initiative 4 Spectrumhttps://nhrc.gov.np/nhrc-approved-covid-19-research-proposals-with-details/
3For this we need to identify our base population i e all people who have recently returned from abroadhttps://nhrc.gov.np/covid-19-related-research-proposals-approved-and-being-implemented-by-nhrc/
4organized First National Summit of Health and Population Scientist in 2015 and NHRC is continuinghttps://nhrc.gov.np/about/nhrc-milestone/
5people prisoners those in regular military services the mentally disabled disaster affected populationshttps://nhrc.gov.np/ethics/faq/