1[Press Release] World Sickle Cell Day 2018 – Nepal Health Research Council Government of Nepalhttps://nhrc.gov.np/press-release-world-sickle-day-2018/
2Department of Health Service Epidemiology and Disease Control Divison Ministry of Health National Centrehttps://nhrc.gov.np/useful-links/
3Functions Conduct research in the various fields relating to health within the Nepal aligninghttps://nhrc.gov.np/about/objectives/
4Health Research Council: Title: Assessment of COVID-19 specific symptoms in those people returned fromhttps://nhrc.gov.np/covid-19-related-research-proposals-approved-and-being-implemented-by-nhrc/
5Editorial Board – Nepal Health Research Council Government of Nepal Nepal Health Research Councilhttps://nhrc.gov.np/journal/editorial-board/
6FAQ – Nepal Health Research Council Government of Nepal Nepal Health Research Council COVID 19https://nhrc.gov.np/journal/faq/
7was initiated in collaboration with the World Health Organization The project contributed to encouraging younghttps://nhrc.gov.np/about/nhrc-milestone/
8in Selected Districts of Nepal World Health Organization Country Office for Nepal 2015 Outbreak Investigationhttps://nhrc.gov.np/publication/
9population in the wake of COVID 19 pandemic: Kathmandu Nepal 2020 266 Evaluation of the World Healthhttps://nhrc.gov.np/nhrc-approved-covid-19-research-proposals-with-details/