14: Neonatal And Child Health Priority Area 5: Reproductive Health Priority Area 6: Mental Healthhttps://nhrc.gov.np/priority-area/
2Board FERCAP Recognized Since 2019 Prof Dr Ramesh Kant AdhikariERB Chair Child Health × Prof Dr Rameshhttps://nhrc.gov.np/ethics/ethical-review-board/
3health Neonatal and Child Health Maternal Health Sexual Reproductive Health Gender Based Violencehttps://nhrc.gov.np/call-for-abstracts/
4Outcomes in Maternal Neonatal and Child Health in Nepal Accelerating the Safe Motherhood Program to averthttps://nhrc.gov.np/publication/
5Containment Measures in Nepal: Socio economic Implications and Impact on Maternal and Child Health 183https://nhrc.gov.np/nhrc-approved-covid-19-research-proposals-with-details/