Knowledge and practice regarding exclusive breastfeeding among mothers of Baluwa Vdc, Kathmandu.

Wagle, Kusum.

Knowledge and practice regarding exclusive breastfeeding among mothers of Baluwa Vdc, Kathmandu. - c2012. - ix, 48p. ;

Thesis Report.

ABSTRACT: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted with objective "to find out the knowledge and practice regarding exclusive breastfeeding among mothers of Baluwa VDC Kathmandu". The practice of EBF was assessed based on "recall since birth" among mothers with 6 to 12 months baby. A total of seventy-three samples meeting the inclusive criteria were taken by simple random sampling method. Data were collected by interview method using pretested semi-structured questionnaire. A FGD was conducted in supporting the variables as per the FGD guidelines. The collected data was analyzed using SPSS 16.0 and interpreted by applying descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings of the study revealed that about 74% of mothers had heard about EBF but only 30 % of the mothers had adequate knowledge on exclusive breastfeeding (EBF). It was found that, the knowledge on BF initiation was 41.1%, knowledge on pre-lacteal feeding was 64.4%, knowledge on colostrums feeding was good i.e. 72.6%, knowledge on duration of EBF was 50.7%, knowledge on advantages to child was good i.e. 79.5% and knowledge on advantages to mother was 31.5%. Less than one third i.e. only about 20 % of mothers had good EBF practice. This study shows good practice of prelacteal feeding i.e. only 15.1% of mothers gave pre-lateals, BF initiation practice was 42.5%, colostrums feeding practice was good i.e. 87.7%, and duration of EBF practice was 31.5%. The median duration of exclusively breastfeeding for all children was 3 months and mean duration was 3.7 months. However the key findings of FGD revealed good knowledge and practice of mothers regarding EBF. About 64 % of mothers had information of EBF and the major source was family/friends (28.8%). It was found that the knowledge of mother regarding EBF was associated significantly with the variables, age at marriage and ethnicity. The EBF practice of mothers was associated significantly with sex of child. The study findings indicate that there is a need of strengthening and improving awareness programs on EBF for good IYCF practices, nutritional status and consequently for good health of children. This study emphasizes the need for further research to explore other BF practices and associated factors.



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