Knowledge and practice regarding breast self-examination among PCL and B.Sc. Nursing 1st year students of Nepal Institute of Health Science, Jorpati -1, Kathmandu.

Gartaula, Sadikshya.

Knowledge and practice regarding breast self-examination among PCL and B.Sc. Nursing 1st year students of Nepal Institute of Health Science, Jorpati -1, Kathmandu. - c2014. - 66p. :

Thesis Report

ABSTRACT: Breast self examination is a screening procedure or the examination of the both breasts by women herself in a systematic manner for early detection of the breast cancer. Breast self-examination is a technique that all women can do to examine their own breast. Thus it is useful self-care activity for all adult women. Regular monthly breast self examination is an essential health maintenance activity. Teaching the skills of breast self examination can be lifesaving and with regular breast self-examination malignancy may be discovered at an earlier stage which can save lives of women. This research was done to assess the knowledge and practice regarding breast self examination among PCL and BSN first year students. Descriptive non interventional cross sectional study was done as a method of study and 90 sample was taken (all the students of PCL and BSN first year) The main findings were out of 90 respondents, 65.6% respondents had knowledge on breast self examination and only 11.1% of the respondents practice breast self examination. Forty seven point eight percent (47.8%) of the respondent had adequate knowledge on BSE and only 6.7% of the respondent had appropriate practice on BSE. Hence, it is concluded that though respondent had knowledge on breast self examination, they were not practicing it.

Breast self-examination
PCL and B.Sc. Nursing 1st year students.
Nepal Institute of Health Science.


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