Trends and determinants of neonatal mortality in Nepal: future analysis of the Nepal demographic and health survey 2001-2011

Paudel, Deepak

Trends and determinants of neonatal mortality in Nepal: future analysis of the Nepal demographic and health survey 2001-2011 - Kathmandu ; USAID., Ukaid , UNFPA , New ERA , MoHP , 2008. - 31p.

Shedain, and Bhuwan Paudel. 2013. Trends and determinants of neonatal mortality in Nepal: Further Analysis of the Nepal Demographic and Health Surveys, 2001-2011. DHS Further Analysis Reports No. 75. Calverton, Maryland, USA: Nepal Ministry of Health and Population, New ERA, and ICF International. - See more at:

Infant and Child Mortality

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