Knowledge and preventive practice of tuberculosis and associated factors among squatter-setting people's in Surkhet district.

Gharti Magar,Gaura Kumari.

Knowledge and preventive practice of tuberculosis and associated factors among squatter-setting people's in Surkhet district. - c2018. - x,50p.

Thesis Report.


Introduction :Tuberculosis is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis which most often affects the lungs. Not only lungs but also other different human organs are affects. Tuberculosis is preventable and curable diseases. It usually affects the lungs, but can attack other parts of the body. Slums are characterized by the lack of access to improved water, improved sanitation facilities, sufficient living area, structural quality and durability of dwellings and security of tenure.

Methodology :The study design was cross-sectional study. This study included 216 Participant and the respondent age was 18-59. The study was conducted in three municipality and one rural municipality of Surkhet district.

Results: The mean age of the respondents was 37.91 years (SD=12.48 years). The respondents included 46.8% of Dalit with 6.9% of others. Similarly Chhetri were 19%, Janajati were 17.6% and Brahmin were 9.7%. Majority of the respondents heard about tuberculosis which was 97.2%, 2.3% don't heard and only 0.5% don't know about tuberculosis. In this study, there is association with ethnicity and knowledge (p=0.025<0.05), CI= 95%).

Conclusion: This study showed respondent knowledge and preventive practice was average. Different IEC activities need to be developed in order to create awareness, especially illiterates. Free availability of treatment diagnosis should be spread using different communication channel.

Key words: Tuberculosis, Awareness, Knowledge, Preventive Practice, associated factors, Squatter setting, Surkhet, Nepal.

Preventive Practice.
Associated factors.
Squatter setting.


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