Factors affecting patient compliance with directly observed treatment short course in kathmandu urban areas, Nepal.

Bam,Tara Singh.

Factors affecting patient compliance with directly observed treatment short course in kathmandu urban areas, Nepal. - c2003. - viii, 145p. :

Thesis Report.

ABSTRACT: A cross-sectional study was conducted in January 2003, among 175 compliant and 59 non-compliant patients, randomly selected from Kathmandu Urban DOTS centres, to identify the compliance behavior and related factors, using a self administered questionnaire. More than half (61%) of non-compliant patients interrupted their treatment due to lack of motivation and believing that they were cured. The proportion of compliance was --high among the younger (15-34) age group (p<0.05) and among the single (martial status) patients (p<0.05) (79.7% and 82.5% respectively). The overall knowledge scores (p<0.01) -and, perception scores (p<0.01), perception of susceptibility to disease (p<0.05) and benefits of treatment (p<0.01) were significantly different between the compliant and non-compliant groups. Non-compliant patients were more likely to think that treatment could be stopped once they were free of symptoms and thought they were cured. A significant relationship was found between compliance and availability of health education, DOT, and traveling time (p<0.05). Compliance patients had good emotional and informational support from family and friends. A significant difference was found between the two groups for overall social support that knowledge (OR - 1.32; 954% CI : 1.03-1,70) and availability of health education (OR - 6,27, 95% CI : 2.88-+13.64) were related to compliance with DOTS. Compliance with DOTS is affected by knowledge, health education, DOT, travelling time, perception of susceptibility and benefits, and social support. It could be improved by provision of more information about tuberculosis and expansion of DOTs involving the community. Keywords :TUBERCULOSIS / DOTS/ COMPLIANCE




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