Effect of educational intervention on awareness regarding preconception care among the bachelor level students.

Shrestha, Saraswati

Effect of educational intervention on awareness regarding preconception care among the bachelor level students. - c2013. - vii, 71p. :

Thesis Report.

ABSTRACT: This pre experimental study entitled "Effect of Educational Intervention on Awareness regarding Preconception Care among the Bachelor level Students" was conducted with the objective to identify the effect of educational intervention on awareness regarding preconception care among the bachelor level students. This study was carried out at Tribhuvan University, Faculty of Management, Public Youth Campus, with the bachelor level second year male and female students. A total number of 104 respondents were selected by using a probability "simple random‟ sampling technique of lottery method. A semi-structured questionnaire was used as the research instrument to measure the main research variables on awareness of meaning, period, purpose and components of preconception care among the bachelor level students. Data were collected in two phases; before and after the educational intervention. The obtained data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were used to test the research hypothesis that there will be a significant increase on awareness regarding preconception care among the bachelor level students after educational intervention. The findings of the study revealed that the respondents‟ awareness of preconception care measures improved following an educational intervention. The total mean score of awareness was 8.77 in the pre-test and 17.40 in the post-test. The standard deviation of awareness was 2.423 in the pretest and 2.686 in the post-test. The difference between the pre-test and post-test of the respondents‟ whole awareness level was significantly different because the value p= 0.000 is below the 0.05 cut off. Overall study findings revealed that there was a significant increase in the level of awareness on preconception care among the bachelor level students after the educational intervention. It is recommended that similar type of awareness increasing programme on preconception care among child bearing age group both male and female should be conducted in different settings as well as groups.

Educational intervention.
Preconception care
Bachelor level students.


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